Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Want Long Hair But Don't Know What To Do With My Style Whilst It's Growing?

Hi at the moment my hair is in between short and getting a bit long. It's too long to spike but no where near long enough to grease back and have it long.

It's the first time I ever decided to go with a long hair style and I was wondering what's the best way to treat it whilst it grows and also what's it like when it is long.


I Want Long Hair But Don't Know What To Do With My Style Whilst It's Growing?
are you male or female?

if your male its harder, you just have to kinda maybe sweep it across your face and make the rest of it messy so it looks like you have a trendy side parting until it gets a big longer then you can have it trimmed into the style you want to go for.

If your a girl then you can use clips to clip it back out of your face etc until its long enough to tie up out of the way then eventually it will be long enough to have down,

it will be hard and annoying, a year ago my mum had short hair like short spikey hair the whole head was about 3cm long of hair, now her hair is down past her shoulders and it looks gorgeous so its workin, keep persevering!

good luck xx

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