Monday, May 24, 2010

Could I be pregnant or is it my hormones playing havoc?

I had my implanon removed on the 28/04/07 and got my period the following day which lasted for approx. 5 days(as usual). I've had sex every day during the fertile period and continue to do so (minimum of 3times per week).

I missed my next period and I am still late which makes it a total of 28 days.

I have done 3 HPT and I've had 1 BT but all have come back negative? Could my hormones be all jumbled up from the implanon or could i be pregnant but its just not showing up???

Im not stressed or anything like that (less actually cos i work alot less now) either so im pretty sure my period is late not due to that reason......

Any help/advice would be great................I really hope to be pregnant soon though :D

Could I be pregnant or is it my hormones playing havoc?
sometimes 28 days is still too early for the hpt to show accurate results. So relax, could be you are pregnant. Wait for 5 more days and check the hpt again. If still negative then it could just be your hormones. Consult ur gyno and find the exact reson with the delay and take medication accordingly. So you can try on the right days of your next cycle. If your cycle is irregular, then its advisable to use a ovulation predictor kit insteed of a ovulation calendar. Coz the fertile days could vary drastically if u have a irregular cycle. All the best.

hibiscus flower

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