Friday, May 21, 2010

My ipod wont put more than 500 songs on it and its a 30gb?

please tell me what i can do, it's been like it for a year :( :( :(

and i need to get it sorted.

My ipod wont put more than 500 songs on it and its a 30gb?
have you got pictures or videos on it? that takes up alot of space
Reply:sure if it dont got alot videos or stuff on it?
Reply:Perhaps you got some songs or videos on it that can't be removed unless you restore

- Restore your iPod (back up your songs and videos and stuff)
Reply:What are the size (MB) of the songs? The amount of songs in which Apple states you can store on an iPod is if each song is 4MB. Also, Videos, Photos and Podcasts take up a lot of space.
Reply:Sometimes it helps if the tracks are in folders rather than on there singly. I don't know if the iPod automatically puts them into folders but I'd give that a go.

Completely wipe the iPod clear first and start again.
Reply:You need to check the bit rate mate. Most mp3 files are 128kbps, your 30G ipod should hold about 15000 of those. CD quality files are 312kbps and these files are huge, 500 sounds about right. By the way, you have to be a dog to hear the difference so I'd recommend changing the bit rate and your problem should be solved
Reply:1. Do you have anything else on the iPod e.g. videos, photos?

2. Restore your iPod to factory settings. It will wipe everything off and you can reload your music back on (takes about 2 minutes!)

3. If the problem still persists, get it fixed.

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