Friday, July 31, 2009

Is it weird to not care about relationship's at my age?

im 17 n after a few screw ups n being knocked bak once or twice i just dnt care any more. my friends tri 2 set me up with girls but im not feeling it (my confidence is fine n im def still strate) any advice?

Is it weird to not care about relationship's at my age?
just shows ur much more mature than ur mates

someone will come along and you will be better off waiting for someone who does give you that feeling of wanting to be in a relationship...

...if not im single ;) haha
Reply:I am the same as you. I've had my fair share of relationships... many of which are long term as that's the way I like it.

I can't handle flitting here and there at every opportunity or wandering when I get bored of a partner.

I'm just waiting for that right girl now. And if she doesn't bump into me, then that's cool! Although, I do desperately want to love and care for a good woman with a good mind. Who knows, we could start a small family? What could be better?!

Celibacy is good for me at the moment though. ;o)

(I'm too mature and sensible for my own good!!!)
Reply:do not worry

you have so much time to enjoy the thrill of trying to pick up women

jus chill

take it easy and when you look like you dont care - thats when the women flock to you
Reply:You just need a relationship break. You are confident enough to be happy on your own right now. Eventually you will see a girl that interests you but until then, just tell your friends to chill.
Reply:I think it is perfectly fine. Just take this time to really straighten yourself up. Go to school and find a career that really interests you at this time
Reply:Give it time - there's no rush - there are plenty of opportunities when you are ready

But having a relationship is not the be all and end all.....being happy in yourself is!!
Reply:your maturing your not girl crazy anymore when you find someone you really like i think you will change and start to care more
Reply:Just means you've got better things to do than think about girls. Thats actually very nice and mature.
Reply:Not weird at all. Im in the same boat as you. It will happen when the times right and you want it to happen
Reply:there is nothing wrong with that at all. after a failed relationship its good to take some time out and be single u dont need to be in one to be happy.
Reply:Not at all. It's nice to have a girlfriend but there are more important things in life than birds.
Reply:Nothing is wrong. I some what feel the same way. You will get into a relationship when your good and ready.
Reply:No I'm 24 and celibate.
Reply:you just havent met the right girl. thats pretty normal

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