Friday, July 31, 2009

Will the anti-universal healthcare people at least admit it's all about MONEY for them, not people?

The only It affects ME. It taxes ME.

Well as far as I uderstand, everybody would be required to it wouldn't be just you. You pay into a healthcare plan anyway, now.

So, it's all about the MONEY, no care at all about actual lives.

Will the anti-universal healthcare people at least admit it's all about MONEY for them, not people?

How about you get a job and work like I do !!!!

What ? you can't cause your daddy gave you everything you wanted ??
Reply:The sad and ironic thing is, for our private care, we pay MORE as a percentage of our income than those "socialist" countries who have universal health care.

They would be paying LESS for health care if the US had UHC.

But of course they won't admit that and will just give me a lot of thumb downs.
Reply:"You pay into a healthcare plan anyway, now. "

That's right, I do, which is why I don't see any reason to change that. I also work to be able to pay into that health care plan, I work hard, and I went to college, I chose this direction for my life. Is there something wrong with me for that?
Reply:no, it's about you wanting other people to pay YOUR bills.
Reply:Republican greed and insensitivity.

It would be great if properly applied. We already pay at work (if you're lucky enough to have a job) and medicaid taxes. If it was done fairly, everyone would have it and it would cost less.
Reply:It's short sighted because the problem is that too many people lack access to preventative care. That also drives up costs because instead of providing cheaper preventative care we end up paying for more expensive after the fact care. It annoys doctors, nurse, and other health care staff that have to deal with societal problems.

edit: I work and graduated from college. I'm almost finished with a masters. In fact, I started working as early as I could, age 11. (babysitting) I have health insurance but it's not great. It's been going downhill.

edit: One problem is that health care continues to go up exponentially just like gas and food right now. More middle class families are going to be unable (even businesses) to continue to absorb the costs. Something needs to be done. You'd think with all of the smart people here that we could come up with something that is sensible and would be cheaper in the long run than to continue on the path we are on.

It's stupidity, short-sightedness, laziness, and fear.

People are obviously too stuck on their beliefs because of course they could never ever be wrong in their beliefs. Perish the thought!

edit: Susied: You are exactly right. Many many people are in precarious positions when it comes to health care and health insurance. Things may be great now but anything can happen to change that in an instant. But too many people think they know it all and that everything they believe is correct. It's hard to change attitudes like these even though we know differently. It almost makes me laugh at the utter foolishness of it.

edit: It can't be all bad in other countries. They are living longer than us Americans. Our health care system has been going downhill. If it's so great and wonderful than how come we are not #1. How come we are losing our research scientists to England????? (cancer)

edit: There are some good opposing viewpoints made here. We need to do something. I don't think anyone is partial to any one thing, just something better than what we have. We need insurance reform without a doubt. We need more doctors. We actually need to get rid of the ones that only care about the money.
Reply:Go live in a socialist country if you want to have everyone be "equal". Go read "Animal Farm" and see how well the characters in that book made out. It is a children's book, so you might not even need someone to read it to you. Since you obviously don't know anything, including what this book is about, here's a quick description:

Ok, YOU pay for them. Why should I suffer because they made poor choices?? I am not talking about those who cannot work, I am talking about those that can and CHOOSE not to. I am not talking about the disabled, I am talking about those I am ALREADY supporting who choose not to work! That is what this is all about! If people who could work WOULD, then we would not need to pay them welfare and then we could use that money for healthcare for those who NEED it.
Reply:"Money IS the root of all evil"... My daddy use to say.

Without good healthcare and health we are a third-world nation. Lose your job, and can you afford the insurance premiums of today.
Reply:In the US we have universal health care. We do not have universal insurance. I am opposed to government run insurance and health care. It is socialism. Socialism fails every time it is tried.

The US government is incapable of running anything properly. Medicare and Medicaid are messed up programs. The government run health care program for detained illegal aliens is a total disaster.

I pay for my health insurance. If there is someone who chooses not to buy insurance, it is his right. Never let the government take away any of your rights.
Reply:Maybe, just maybe we don't want the government to control yet another aspect of our lives? You know, cause they've done such a fine job of everything else they lay their hands on. Hows medicare, veterans hospitals and social security working out there buddy? You really want these same people in charge of your medications?
Reply:And what they don't understand is that they are already paying for the effects of these people not having health care.

In addition, they insurance they are paying for does not cover them like they think it does. I've worked in the industry and what people don't know would scare them if they did.
Reply:Yes, I pay in a healthcare plan now, why should I pay for yours?

What makes you think I can afford to pay for you and the millions of illegals and un/underemployed?

Where are we going to get the money?

That's what I hate about Liberals/"Progressives", no plan, no idea, completely clueless.
Reply:it will put people in the insureance industry and billing dept of drs offices out of a job whose goona pay thier food and rent you?
Reply:Healthcare for all, it's a wonderful idea... It truly is...

But I don't like the idea of it coming at my expense...

I should only have to take care of my family's responsibilities, then, and only then if I so choose, DONATE to charities of my choice, not being taxed and told where it has to go, and then see it NOT go for those supposed programs, then taxes raised to cover the shortfall...
Reply:They don't want to help other people.. but THEN wonder why Reverend Wrights exist.

It's hard to be patriotic isn't it?
Reply:No, actually its really not, even though someones going to pay, so its not really free. Something else will be cut, like the police departments or the fire departments. Public Parks, schools. Its actually about the Dr's. Its the quality of care. Ask your Dr. or pharmacist about it. They will tell you.
Reply:i know it kills me inside
Reply:Not true. Taxes are a big part of it, but just as worrisome is the thought of another bloated D.C. bureaucratic nightmare that cares more about obtaining a bigger budget every year than addressing the needs of those about whom they claim to care. Historically, expansion of the federal government offers only short term relief for society's troubles, but ultimately adds to them.
Reply:Its not about money. Its about freedom and freedom of choice.

It is also my concern for others that makes me against universal healthcare. I watched my grandfather fight cancer through the VA system... it was sad, and terrible what he had to go through with the various color teams and forms. I care about other people having QUALITY care. That matters more than the money. Like I said in my answer on your other q, I do want to see everyone covered, I just feel strongly that there are other alternatives besides gov't programs. I really think there are better options to improve current conditions.
Reply:sorry, but I cannot in good conscience encourage simplistic thinking on your part.

the great misconception here is that "health care" is a constant and, pardon the expression, "universal" entity. It is not.

It is an ever-evolving field that depends on innovation, adaptability, responsiveness and critical thinking....all things which are seldom if ever associated with nationalized industries. The solution to health care becoming a bureaucratic nightmare is not to have it absorbed by world's largest bureaucracy...

And I do care about lives....

...lives that deserve to have a relationship with a doctor, instead of a call-center (be it privately or government-run).

...lives that deserve the type of research and innovation that only a free-market environment can encourage (no one criticizes Jonas Salk for becoming a rich man...)

...lives that benefit from a system that encourages excellence over maintenance...

Want to fight the good fight? Forget another government bail-out of a failing industry. Demand insurance reform. Demand legislative reform so that Doctors can remain in private practice...

How can you claim to care about lives when your answer is to abdicate your and their care to the State?
Reply:Universal health care does not work. THAT is what it's about.

If you want Universal Health Care, stop by a Veteran's Hospital and ask them how it's going. THAT is the same level of care all Americans would get - and it's disgraceful.
Reply:Its all about the fact that the upper class already have health care and feel that they deserve it. They don't feel that Christ was right in beseeching us to care for others or the poor, or follow the Charity rules of the Christian faith. They, the well off kids, and their parents truly believe that to be selfish is Christ's way.

It is sick, but it is fact. Just look at their actions.

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