Friday, July 31, 2009

What will they think?Will it be ok?

Okay,so here's the drift.

I really like a band,but they're sorta a "black" band as in emo looking band. EX:MCR. I'm planning on buying a band shirt of theirs. I am the kinda girl who wears pink and skirts to school with braids in her hair. If I bought this shirt(black with logo and name and pic on it) and wore it with black leggings a skirt or skinny jeans, and some other black-ish tihngs,would they think I'm going emo? I really don't wanna give that effect.

What will they think?Will it be ok?
no. they probably wont notice

besides. you shouldnt even care what they think
Reply:Do you live in a wealthy town where everyone is expected to be the same?

If yes, then I have the SAME problem!

If I wear anything different people are all over me asking me if i am changing my style and calling me weird.

If you live in a place where everyone is expected to be the same, then yes they will probably notice. I don't know if they will think you are going emo, but if you like it and have the confidence, then wear it =)
Reply:They will think that you're going emo.People are dumb that way.You will find yourself having to explain that you are just wearing a shirt you like and are not going emo all day to everyone you meet.
Reply:probably not. they probably won't care.
Reply:No but they will think your cool ;-)
Reply:go ahead and do it, dont care about what people will think. Honestly if you went to my school and did that I wouldn't care =) dont worry about it.
Reply:No one is going to think you're emo, because of one outfit.

If anything they'll realize there's more to you than the girly girl they see everyday.
Reply:Girl wear what ever the h*** u want to wear if their ur friends they want care and plus they will only think that if that's what ur gonna wear for now on. Please don't take things like that so serious and others won't either

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